Game 1
The Nationals lost on 03/28 at home against the Mets by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 0-1. Box Score / Standings
The Senators won on 04/15 at home against the Athletics by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 1-0. Box Score / Standings
Game 2
The Nationals lost on 03/30 at home against the Mets by the score 8-11 resulting in a record of 0-2. Box Score / Standings
The Senators lost on 04/16 at home against the Athletics by the score 1-6 resulting in a record of 1-1. Box Score / Standings
Game 3
The Nationals won on 03/31 at home against the Mets by the score 6-5 resulting in a record of 1-2. Box Score / Standings
The Senators lost on 04/17 at home against the Athletics by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 1-2. Box Score / Standings
Game 4
The Nationals lost on 04/02 at home against the Phillies by the score 2-8 resulting in a record of 1-3. Box Score /
The Senators won on 04/19 at home against the Yankees by the score 7-2 resulting in a record of 2-2. Box Score /
Game 5
The Nationals won on 04/03 at home against the Phillies by the score 9-8 resulting in a record of 2-3. Box Score /
The Senators won on 04/20 at home against the Yankees by the score 12-3 resulting in a record of 3-2. Box Score /
Game 6
The Nationals won on 04/04 on the road against the Mets by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 3-3. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/21 at home against the Yankees by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 3-3. Box Score /
Game 7
The Nationals lost on 04/06 on the road against the Mets by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 3-4. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/22 at home against the Yankees by the score 3-6 resulting in a record of 3-4. Box Score /
Game 8
The Nationals won on 04/07 on the road against the Mets by the score 12-9 resulting in a record of 4-4. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/23 on the road against the Athletics by the score 4-6 resulting in a record of 3-5. Box Score /
Game 9
The Nationals lost on 04/08 on the road against the Phillies by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 4-5. Box Score /
The Senators won on 04/24 on the road against the Athletics by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 4-5. Box Score /
Game 10
The Nationals won on 04/09 on the road against the Phillies by the score 10-6 resulting in a record of 5-5. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/25 on the road against the Athletics by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 4-6. Box Score /
Game 11
The Nationals won on 04/10 on the road against the Phillies by the score 15-1 resulting in a record of 6-5. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/26 on the road against the Athletics by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 4-7. Box Score /
Game 12
The Nationals lost on 04/12 at home against the Pirates by the score 3-6 resulting in a record of 6-6. Box Score /
The Senators won on 04/27 at home against the Red Sox by the score 9-6 resulting in a record of 5-7. Box Score /
Game 13
The Nationals won on 04/13 at home against the Pirates by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 7-6. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 04/29 at home against the Red Sox by the score 6-15 resulting in a record of 5-8. Box Score /
Game 14
The Nationals lost on 04/14 at home against the Pirates by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 7-7. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/01 on the road against the Yankees by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 6-8. Box Score /
Game 15
The Nationals lost on 04/16 at home against the Giants by the score 3-7 resulting in a record of 7-8. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/02 on the road against the Yankees by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 7-8. Box Score /
Game 16
The Nationals won on 04/17 at home against the Giants by the score 9-6 resulting in a record of 8-8. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/03 on the road against the Yankees by the score 4-5 resulting in a record of 7-9. Box Score /
Game 17
The Nationals won on 04/18 at home against the Giants by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 9-8. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/04 at home against the Athletics by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 8-9. Box Score /
Game 18
The Nationals lost on 04/19 on the road against the Marlins by the score 2-3 resulting in a record of 9-9. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/05 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 3-8 resulting in a record of 8-10. Box Score /
Game 19
The Nationals lost on 04/20 on the road against the Marlins by the score 3-9 resulting in a record of 9-10. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/06 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 4-14 resulting in a record of 8-11. Box Score /
Game 20
The Nationals won on 04/21 on the road against the Marlins by the score 5-0 resulting in a record of 10-10. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/07 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 5-4 resulting in a record of 9-11. Box Score /
Game 21
The Nationals lost on 04/22 on the road against the Rockies by the score 5-7 resulting in a record of 10-11. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/08 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 9-12. Box Score /
Game 22
The Nationals won on 04/23 on the road against the Rockies by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 11-11. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/10 at home against the Tigers by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 10-12. Box Score /
Game 23
The Nationals lost on 04/24 on the road against the Rockies by the score 5-9 resulting in a record of 11-12. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/13 at home against the Tigers by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 11-12. Box Score /
TalkNats is Celebrating the 5 and 100 year anniversaries of World Series Wins by providing Game-by-Game Summaries.
Game 24
The Nationals lost on 04/26 at home against the Padres by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 11-13. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/14 at home against the Indians by the score 2-5 resulting in a record of 11-13. Box Score /
Game 25
The Nationals lost on 04/27 at home against the Padres by the score 3-8 resulting in a record of 11-14. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/15 at home against the Indians by the score 4-6 resulting in a record of 11-14. Box Score /
Game 26
The Nationals won on 04/28 at home against the Padres by the score 7-6 resulting in a record of 12-14. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/17 at home against the Indians by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 12-14. Box Score /
Game 27
The Nationals lost on 04/29 at home against the Cardinals by the score 3-6 resulting in a record of 12-15. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/18 at home against the Browns by the score 3-6 resulting in a record of 12-15. Box Score /
Game 28
The Nationals lost on 04/30 at home against the Cardinals by the score 2-3 resulting in a record of 12-16. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/22 at home against the Browns by the score 1-3 resulting in a record of 12-16. Box Score /
Game 29
The Nationals lost on 05/01 at home against the Cardinals by the score 1-5 resulting in a record of 12-17. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/23 at home against the White Sox by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 13-16. Box Score /
Game 30
The Nationals won on 05/02 at home against the Cardinals by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 13-17. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/25 at home against the White Sox by the score 9-10 resulting in a record of 13-17. Box Score /
Game 31
The Nationals lost on 05/03 on the road against the Phillies by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 13-18. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/26 at home against the White Sox by the score 8-2 resulting in a record of 14-17. Box Score /
Game 32
The Nationals won on 05/04 on the road against the Phillies by the score 10-8 resulting in a record of 14-18. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/28 at home against the Yankees by the score 4-7 resulting in a record of 14-18. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 33
The Nationals lost on 05/05 on the road against the Phillies by the score 1-7 resulting in a record of 14-19. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/28 at home against the Yankees by the score 6-1 resulting in a record of 15-18. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 34
The Nationals lost on 05/06 on the road against the Brewers by the score 3-5 resulting in a record of 14-20. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 05/30 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 4-9 resulting in a record of 15-19. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 35
The Nationals lost on 05/07 on the road against the Brewers by the score 0-6 resulting in a record of 14-21. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/30 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 10-5 resulting in a record of 16-19. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 36
The Nationals lost on 05/08 on the road against the Brewers by the score 3-7 resulting in a record of 14-22. Box Score /
The Senators won on 05/31 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 12-0 resulting in a record of 17-19. Box Score /
Game 37
The Nationals won on 05/09 on the road against the Dodgers by the score 6-0 resulting in a record of 15-22. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/02 on the road against the Athletics by the score 8-3 resulting in a record of 18-19. Box Score /
Game 38
The Nationals lost on 05/10 on the road against the Dodgers by the score 0-5 resulting in a record of 15-23. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/03 on the road against the Tigers by the score 11-1 resulting in a record of 19-19. Box Score /
Game 39
The Nationals won on 05/11 on the road against the Dodgers by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 16-23. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/04 on the road against the Tigers by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 19-20. Box Score /
Game 40
The Nationals lost on 05/12 on the road against the Dodgers by the score 0-6 resulting in a record of 16-24. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/05 on the road against the Tigers by the score 9-7 resulting in a record of 20-20. Box Score /
Game 41
The Nationals lost on 05/14 at home against the Mets by the score 2-6 resulting in a record of 16-25. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/06 on the road against the Tigers by the score 2-0 resulting in a record of 21-20. Box Score /
Game 42
The Nationals won on 05/15 at home against the Mets by the score 5-1 resulting in a record of 17-25. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/07 on the road against the Indians by the score 0-3 resulting in a record of 21-21. Box Score /
Game 43
The Nationals won on 05/16 at home against the Mets by the score 7-6 resulting in a record of 18-25. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/08 on the road against the Indians by the score 3-11 resulting in a record of 21-22. Box Score /
Game 44
The Nationals lost on 05/17 at home against the Cubs by the score 6-14 resulting in a record of 18-26. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/09 on the road against the Indians by the score 1-6 resulting in a record of 21-23. Box Score /
Game 45
The Nationals won on 05/18 at home against the Cubs by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 19-26. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/10 on the road against the Indians by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 21-24. Box Score /
Game 46
The Nationals lost on 05/19 at home against the Cubs by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 19-27. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/11 on the road against the Browns by the score 12-1 resulting in a record of 22-24. Box Score /
Game 47
The Nationals lost on 05/20 on the road against the Mets by the score 3-5 resulting in a record of 19-28. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/13 on the road against the Browns by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 23-24. Box Score /
Game 48
The Nationals lost on 05/21 on the road against the Mets by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 19-29. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/14 on the road against the Browns by the score 7-3 resulting in a record of 24-24. Box Score /
Game 49
The Nationals lost on 05/22 on the road against the Mets by the score 1-6 resulting in a record of 19-30. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/15 on the road against the White Sox by the score 4-6 resulting in a record of 24-25. Box Score /
Game 50
The Nationals lost on 05/23 on the road against the Mets by the score 4-6 resulting in a record of 19-31. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/16 on the road against the White Sox by the score 8-9 resulting in a record of 24-26. Box Score /
Game 51
The Nationals won on 05/24 at home against the Marlins by the score 12-10 resulting in a record of 20-31. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/17 on the road against the White Sox by the score 12-6 resulting in a record of 25-26. Box Score /
Game 52
The Nationals won on 05/25 at home against the Marlins by the score 5-0 resulting in a record of 21-31. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/18 on the road against the White Sox by the score 5-4 resulting in a record of 26-26. Box Score /
Game 53
The Nationals won on 05/26 at home against the Marlins by the score 9-6 resulting in a record of 22-31. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/20 on the road against the Athletics by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 27-26. Box Score /
Game 54
The Nationals lost on 05/27 at home against the Marlins by the score 2-3 resulting in a record of 22-32. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/21 on the road against the Athletics by the score 11-3 resulting in a record of 28-26. Box Score /
Game 55
The Nationals won on 05/28 on the road against the Braves by the score 5-4 resulting in a record of 23-32. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/22 at home against the Athletics by the score 5-4 resulting in a record of 29-26. Box Score /
Game 56
The Nationals won on 05/29 on the road against the Braves by the score 14-4 resulting in a record of 24-32. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/23 on the road against the Yankees by the score 5-3 resulting in a record of 30-26. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 57
The Nationals lost on 05/31 on the road against the Reds by the score 3-9 resulting in a record of 24-33. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/23 on the road against the Yankees by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 31-26. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 58
The Nationals won on 06/01 on the road against the Reds by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 25-33. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/24 on the road against the Yankees by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 32-26. Box Score /
Game 59
The Nationals won on 06/02 on the road against the Reds by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 26-33. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/25 on the road against the Yankees by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 33-26. Box Score /
Game 60
The Nationals won on 06/04 at home against the White Sox by the score 9-5 resulting in a record of 27-33. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/26 at home against the Athletics by the score 5-0 resulting in a record of 34-26. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 61
The Nationals won on 06/05 at home against the White Sox by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 28-33. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/26 at home against the Athletics by the score 0-1 resulting in a record of 34-27. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 62
The Nationals lost on 06/06 on the road against the Padres by the score 4-5 resulting in a record of 28-34. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/28 at home against the Athletics by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 35-27. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 63
The Nationals lost on 06/07 on the road against the Padres by the score 4-5 resulting in a record of 28-35. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/28 at home against the Athletics by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 36-27. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 64
The Nationals won on 06/08 on the road against the Padres by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 29-35. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/29 at home against the Red Sox by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 37-27. Box Score /
Game 65
The Nationals won on 06/09 on the road against the Padres by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 30-35. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 06/30 at home against the Red Sox by the score 1-2 resulting in a record of 37-28. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 66
The Nationals won on 06/10 on the road against the White Sox by the score 12-1 resulting in a record of 31-35. Box Score /
The Senators won on 06/30 at home against the Red Sox by the score 3-1 resulting in a record of 38-28. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 67
The Nationals lost on 06/11 on the road against the White Sox by the score 5-7 resulting in a record of 31-36. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/01 at home against the Red Sox by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 39-28. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 68
The Nationals lost on 06/13 at home against the Diamondbacks by the score 0-5 resulting in a record of 31-37. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/01 at home against the Red Sox by the score 5-0 resulting in a record of 40-28. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 69
The Nationals won on 06/14 at home against the Diamondbacks by the score 7-3 resulting in a record of 32-37. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/02 at home against the Red Sox by the score 5-0 resulting in a record of 41-28. Box Score /
Game 70
The Nationals lost on 06/15 at home against the Diamondbacks by the score 3-10 resulting in a record of 32-38. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/04 at home against the Yankees by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 41-29. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 71
The Nationals won on 06/16 at home against the Diamondbacks by the score 15-5 resulting in a record of 33-38. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/04 at home against the Yankees by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 41-30. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 72
The Nationals won on 06/19 at home against the Phillies by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 34-38. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
The Senators lost on 07/05 at home against the Yankees by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 41-31. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 73
The Nationals won on 06/19 at home against the Phillies by the score 2-0 resulting in a record of 35-38. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
The Senators won on 07/05 at home against the Yankees by the score 7-2 resulting in a record of 42-31. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 74
The Nationals won on 06/20 at home against the Phillies by the score 7-4 resulting in a record of 36-38. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/06 at home against the Yankees by the score 4-7 resulting in a record of 42-32. Box Score /
Game 75
The Nationals won on 06/21 at home against the Braves by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 37-38. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/09 at home against the Tigers by the score 2-5 resulting in a record of 42-33. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 76
The Nationals lost on 06/22 at home against the Braves by the score 9-13 resulting in a record of 37-39. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/09 at home against the Tigers by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 43-33. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 77
The Nationals lost on 06/23 at home against the Braves by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 37-40. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/10 at home against the Tigers by the score 10-12 resulting in a record of 43-34. Box Score /
Game 78
The Nationals won on 06/25 on the road against the Marlins by the score 6-1 resulting in a record of 38-40. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/11 at home against the Tigers by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 43-35. Box Score /
Game 79
The Nationals won on 06/26 on the road against the Marlins by the score 7-5 resulting in a record of 39-40. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/12 at home against the Indians by the score 1-7 resulting in a record of 43-36. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 80
The Nationals won on 06/27 on the road against the Marlins by the score 8-5 resulting in a record of 40-40 – reaching .500. They won’t drop below .500 the rest of the season. Box Score / Standings
The Senators won on 07/12 at home against the Indians by the score 9-2 resulting in a record of 44-36. Box Score / Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 81
The Nationals won on 06/28 on the road against the Tigers by the score 3-1 resulting in a record of 41-40. Over .500 for the first time. Box Score / Standings
The Senators won on 07/13 at home against the Indians by the score 15-11 resulting in a record of 45-36. Box Score / Standings
Game 82
The Nationals lost on 06/29 on the road against the Tigers by the score 5-7 resulting in a record of 41-41. Back down to .500. Box Score / Standings
The Senators won on 07/14 at home against the Indians by the score 12-0 resulting in a record of 46-36. Box Score / Standings
Game 83
The Nationals won on 06/30 on the road against the Tigers by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 42-41. The Nationals are over .500 again and don’t fall back to .500 the rest of the season. Box Score / Standings
The Senators won on 07/15 at home against the Indians by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 47-36. Box Score / Standings
Game 84
The Nationals won on 07/02 at home against the Marlins by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 43-41. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/17 at home against the Browns by the score 0-3 resulting in a record of 47-37. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 85
The Nationals won on 07/03 at home against the Marlins by the score 3-1 resulting in a record of 44-41. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/17 at home against the Browns by the score 12-7 resulting in a record of 48-37. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 86
The Nationals won on 07/04 at home against the Marlins by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 45-41. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/18 at home against the Browns by the score 6-7 resulting in a record of 48-38. Box Score /
Game 87
The Nationals lost on 07/05 at home against the Royals by the score 4-7 resulting in a record of 45-42. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/19 at home against the Browns by the score 9-10 resulting in a record of 48-39. Box Score /
Game 88
The Nationals won on 07/06 at home against the Royals by the score 6-0 resulting in a record of 46-42. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/20 at home against the Browns by the score 5-4 resulting in a record of 49-39. Box Score /
Game 89
The Nationals won on 07/07 at home against the Royals by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 47-42. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/21 at home against the White Sox by the score 16-2 resulting in a record of 50-39. Box Score /
Game 90
The Nationals won on 07/12 on the road against the Phillies by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 48-42. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/22 at home against the White Sox by the score 0-4 resulting in a record of 50-40. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 91
The Nationals won on 07/13 on the road against the Phillies by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 49-42. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/22 at home against the White Sox by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 51-40. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 92
The Nationals lost on 07/14 on the road against the Phillies by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 49-43. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/23 at home against the White Sox by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 52-40. Box Score /
Game 93
The Nationals won on 07/16 on the road against the Orioles by the score 8-1 resulting in a record of 50-43. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/24 at home against the White Sox by the score 7-5 resulting in a record of 53-40. Box Score /
Game 94
The Nationals lost on 07/17 on the road against the Orioles by the score 2-9 resulting in a record of 50-44. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/26 on the road against the Indians by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 53-41. Box Score /
Game 95
The Nationals won on 07/18 on the road against the Braves by the score 13-4 resulting in a record of 51-44. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/27 on the road against the Indians by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 54-41. Box Score /
Game 96
The Nationals lost on 07/19 on the road against the Braves by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 51-45. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/28 on the road against the Indians by the score 1-2 resulting in a record of 54-42. Box Score /
Game 97
The Nationals won on 07/20 on the road against the Braves by the score 5-3 resulting in a record of 52-45. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 07/29 on the road against the Indians by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 54-43. Box Score /
Game 98
The Nationals lost on 07/21 on the road against the Braves by the score 1-7 resulting in a record of 52-46. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/30 on the road against the Tigers by the score 7-4 resulting in a record of 55-43. Box Score /
Game 99
The Nationals won on 07/23 at home against the Rockies by the score 11-1 resulting in a record of 53-46. Box Score /
The Senators won on 07/31 on the road against the Tigers by the score 1-0 resulting in a record of 56-43. Box Score /
Game 100
The Nationals won on 07/24 at home against the Rockies by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 54-46. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
The Senators won on 08/01 on the road against the Tigers by the score 7-3 resulting in a record of 57-43. Box Score /
Game 101
The Nationals won on 07/24 at home against the Rockies by the score 2-0 resulting in a record of 55-46. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
The Senators lost on 08/02 on the road against the Tigers by the score 3-8 resulting in a record of 57-44. Box Score /
Game 102
The Nationals lost on 07/25 at home against the Rockies by the score 7-8 resulting in a record of 55-47. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/03 on the road against the Browns by the score 1-3 resulting in a record of 57-45. Box Score /
Game 103
The Nationals lost on 07/26 at home against the Dodgers by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 55-48. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/04 on the road against the Browns by the score 1-5 resulting in a record of 57-46. Box Score /
Game 104
The Nationals lost on 07/27 at home against the Dodgers by the score 3-9 resulting in a record of 55-49. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/05 on the road against the Browns by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 57-47. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 105
The Nationals won on 07/28 at home against the Dodgers by the score 11-4 resulting in a record of 56-49. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/05 on the road against the Browns by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 57-48. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 106
The Nationals won on 07/29 at home against the Braves by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 57-49. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/06 on the road against the Browns by the score 5-6 resulting in a record of 57-49. Box Score /
Game 107
The Nationals lost on 07/30 at home against the Braves by the score 8-11 resulting in a record of 57-50. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/07 on the road against the White Sox by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 58-49. Box Score /
Game 108
The Nationals lost on 07/31 at home against the Braves by the score 4-5 resulting in a record of 57-51. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/09 on the road against the White Sox by the score 2-8 resulting in a record of 58-50. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 109
The Nationals won on 08/02 on the road against the Diamondbacks by the score 3-0 resulting in a record of 58-51. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/09 on the road against the White Sox by the score 8-5 resulting in a record of 59-50. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 110
The Nationals lost on 08/03 on the road against the Diamondbacks by the score 7-18 resulting in a record of 58-52. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/10 on the road against the White Sox by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 60-50. Box Score /
Game 111
The Nationals lost on 08/04 on the road against the Diamondbacks by the score 5-7 resulting in a record of 58-53. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/12 at home against the Indians by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 61-50. Box Score /
Game 112
The Nationals won on 08/05 on the road against the Giants by the score 4-0 resulting in a record of 59-53. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/13 at home against the Indians by the score 1-5 resulting in a record of 61-51. Box Score /
Game 113
The Nationals won on 08/06 on the road against the Giants by the score 5-3 resulting in a record of 60-53. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/14 at home against the Indians by the score 1-0 resulting in a record of 62-51. Box Score /
Game 114
The Nationals won on 08/07 on the road against the Giants by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 61-53. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/16 at home against the Tigers by the score 2-5 resulting in a record of 62-52. Box Score /
Game 115
The Nationals lost on 08/09 on the road against the Mets by the score 6-7 resulting in a record of 61-54. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/17 at home against the Tigers by the score 8-1 resulting in a record of 63-52. Box Score /
Game 116
The Nationals lost on 08/10 on the road against the Mets by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 61-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/18 at home against the Tigers by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 64-52. Box Score /
Game 117
The Nationals won on 08/11 on the road against the Mets by the score 7-4 resulting in a record of 62-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/19 at home against the Tigers by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 65-52. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 118
The Nationals won on 08/12 at home against the Reds by the score 7-6 resulting in a record of 63-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/19 at home against the Tigers by the score 5-3 resulting in a record of 66-52. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 119
The Nationals won on 08/13 at home against the Reds by the score 3-1 resulting in a record of 64-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/21 at home against the White Sox by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 67-52. Box Score /
Game 120
The Nationals won on 08/14 at home against the Reds by the score 17-7 resulting in a record of 65-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/23 at home against the White Sox by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 68-52. Box Score /
Game 121
The Nationals won on 08/16 at home against the Brewers by the score 2-1 resulting in a record of 66-55. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/24 at home against the White Sox by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 69-52. Box Score /
Game 122
The Nationals lost on 08/17 at home against the Brewers by the score 14-15 resulting in a record of 66-56. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/25 at home against the Browns by the score 2-0 resulting in a record of 70-52. Box Score /
Game 123
The Nationals won on 08/18 at home against the Brewers by the score 16-8 resulting in a record of 67-56. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/26 at home against the Browns by the score 0-7 resulting in a record of 70-53. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 124
The Nationals won on 08/19 on the road against the Pirates by the score 13-0 resulting in a record of 68-56. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/26 at home against the Browns by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 71-53. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 125
The Nationals lost on 08/20 on the road against the Pirates by the score 1-4 resulting in a record of 68-57. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/27 at home against the Browns by the score 6-8 resulting in a record of 71-54. Box Score /
Game 126
The Nationals won on 08/21 on the road against the Pirates by the score 11-1 resulting in a record of 69-57. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/28 on the road against the Yankees by the score 11-6 resulting in a record of 72-54. Box Score /
Game 127
The Nationals won on 08/22 on the road against the Pirates by the score 7-1 resulting in a record of 70-57. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/29 on the road against the Yankees by the score 5-1 resulting in a record of 73-54. Box Score /
Game 128
The Nationals won on 08/23 on the road against the Cubs by the score 9-3 resulting in a record of 71-57. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 08/30 on the road against the Yankees by the score 1-2 resulting in a record of 73-55. Box Score /
Game 129
The Nationals won on 08/24 on the road against the Cubs by the score 7-2 resulting in a record of 72-57. Box Score /
The Senators won on 08/31 on the road against the Yankees by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 74-55. Box Score /
Game 130
The Nationals won on 08/25 on the road against the Cubs by the score 7-5 resulting in a record of 73-57. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/01 at home against the Athletics by the score 5-3 resulting in a record of 75-55. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 131
The Nationals lost on 08/27 at home against the Orioles by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 73-58. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/01 at home against the Athletics by the score 4-3 resulting in a record of 76-55. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 132
The Nationals won on 08/28 at home against the Orioles by the score 8-4 resulting in a record of 74-58. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/04 at home against the Red Sox by the score 12-5 resulting in a record of 77-55. Box Score /
Game 133
The Nationals won on 08/30 at home against the Marlins by the score 7-6 resulting in a record of 75-58. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/06 at home against the Red Sox by the score 8-2 resulting in a record of 78-55. Box Score /
Game 134
The Nationals won on 08/31 at home against the Marlins by the score 7-0 resulting in a record of 76-58. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/07 at home against the Red Sox by the score 2-6 resulting in a record of 78-56. Box Score /
Game 135
The Nationals won on 09/01 at home against the Marlins by the score 9-3 resulting in a record of 77-58. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/08 on the road against the Athletics by the score 8-4 resulting in a record of 79-56. Box Score /
Game 136
The Nationals lost on 09/02 at home against the Mets by the score 3-7 resulting in a record of 77-59. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/10 on the road against the Athletics by the score 1-2 resulting in a record of 79-57. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 137
The Nationals won on 09/03 at home against the Mets by the score 11-10 resulting in a record of 78-59. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/10 on the road against the Athletics by the score 6-5 resulting in a record of 80-57. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 138
The Nationals lost on 09/04 at home against the Mets by the score 4-8 resulting in a record of 78-60. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/11 on the road against the Athletics by the score 7-4 resulting in a record of 81-57. Box Score /
Game 139
The Nationals lost on 09/05 on the road against the Braves by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 78-61. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/13 on the road against the Tigers by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 82-57. Box Score /
Game 140
The Nationals lost on 09/06 on the road against the Braves by the score 3-4 resulting in a record of 78-62. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/14 on the road against the Tigers by the score 2-5 resulting in a record of 82-58. Box Score /
Game 141
The Nationals lost on 09/07 on the road against the Braves by the score 4-5 resulting in a record of 78-63. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/15 on the road against the Tigers by the score 0-2 resulting in a record of 82-59. Box Score /
Game 142
The Nationals won on 09/08 on the road against the Braves by the score 9-4 resulting in a record of 79-63. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/16 on the road against the Indians by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 83-59. Box Score /
Game 143
The Nationals lost on 09/10 on the road against the Twins by the score 0-5 resulting in a record of 79-64. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/17 on the road against the Indians by the score 3-2 resulting in a record of 84-59. Box Score /
Game 144
The Nationals won on 09/11 on the road against the Twins by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 80-64. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/18 on the road against the Indians by the score 9-5 resulting in a record of 85-59. Box Score /
Game 145
The Nationals won on 09/12 on the road against the Twins by the score 12-6 resulting in a record of 81-64. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/19 on the road against the Browns by the score 15-9 resulting in a record of 86-59. Box Score /
Game 146
The Nationals lost on 09/13 at home against the Braves by the score 0-5 resulting in a record of 81-65. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/20 on the road against the Browns by the score 14-15 resulting in a record of 86-60. Box Score /
Game 147
The Nationals lost on 09/14 at home against the Braves by the score 1-10 resulting in a record of 81-66. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/21 on the road against the Browns by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 87-60. Box Score /
Game 148
The Nationals won on 09/15 at home against the Braves by the score 7-0 resulting in a record of 82-66. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/22 on the road against the White Sox by the score 8-3 resulting in a record of 88-60. Box Score /
Game 149
The Nationals lost on 09/16 on the road against the Cardinals by the score 2-4 resulting in a record of 82-67. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/23 on the road against the White Sox by the score 7-6 resulting in a record of 89-60. Box Score /
Game 150
The Nationals won on 09/17 on the road against the Cardinals by the score 6-2 resulting in a record of 83-67. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/24 on the road against the White Sox by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 90-60. Box Score /
Game 151
The Nationals lost on 09/18 on the road against the Cardinals by the score 1-5 resulting in a record of 83-68. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/26 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 1-2 resulting in a record of 90-61. Box Score /
Game 152
The Nationals won on 09/20 on the road against the Marlins by the score 6-4 resulting in a record of 84-68. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/27 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 7-5 resulting in a record of 91-61. Box Score /
Game 153
The Nationals won on 09/21 on the road against the Marlins by the score 10-4 resulting in a record of 85-68. Box Score /
The Senators won on 09/29 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 4-2 resulting in a record of 92-61. Box Score /
Game 154
The Nationals lost on 09/22 on the road against the Marlins by the score 3-5 resulting in a record of 85-69. Box Score /
The Senators lost on 09/30 on the road against the Red Sox by the score 1-13 resulting in a record of 92-62. Box Score /
Game 155
The Nationals won on 09/23 at home against the Phillies by the score 7-2 resulting in a record of 86-69. Box Score /
Game 156
The Nationals won on 09/24 at home against the Phillies by the score 4-1 resulting in a record of 87-69. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 1)
Game 157
The Nationals won on 09/24 at home against the Phillies by the score 6-5 resulting in a record of 88-69. Box Score /
Standings (DH Game 2)
Game 158
The Nationals won on 09/25 at home against the Phillies by the score 5-2 resulting in a record of 89-69. Box Score /
Game 159
The Nationals won on 09/26 at home against the Phillies by the score 6-3 resulting in a record of 90-69. Box Score /
Game 160
The Nationals won on 09/27 at home against the Indians by the score 8-2 resulting in a record of 91-69. Box Score /
Game 161
The Nationals won on 09/28 at home against the Indians by the score 10-7 resulting in a record of 92-69. Box Score /
Game 162
The Nationals won on 09/29 at home against the Indians by the score 8-2 resulting in a record of 93-69. Box Score /